Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL)
The Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL) was founded in 1977 in Thessaloniki. CIEEL aims mainly to promote academic research in the field of EU Law and provide advisory support to public authorities through its specialised units, namely the State Aid Unit (MOKE) and the Public Procurement Monitoring Unit (MOPADIS). Furthermore, CIEEL is significantly active in the field of European funded/co-funded programmes, mainly in Twinning, JUSTICE and Jean Monnet (Erasmus+) projects.
“Intellectual Property Protection in the EU: Contemporary Challenges and Prospects/IPEUs”
The Jean Monnet Project "Intellectual Property Protection in the EU: Contemporary Challenges and Prospects/IPEUs" aims at promoting research and training on contemporary intellectual property issues in the EU. In the course of the project, activities such as workshops have been conducted under the coordination and supervision of Professor Emerita Ms Dionysia Kallinikou (School of Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), as well as the collaboration of members of the academic and scientific community, while the publication of books is expected.